Career and Technical Education
Assisting all students in becoming college and career ready is one of the WPCSD's overarching goals. One of the best ways to do this is through Career and Technical Education. Students who have access to CTE learn academic skills, but they also learn how to be employable. They gain practice in Initiative, Timeliness, Effort, and Responsibility.
Employability Standards. These are skills students are assessed on in CTE courses which local employers have identified as crucial: Initiative, Effort, Timeliness of Work, etc.
Course Standards. The Nevada Department of Education publishes content expectations for students and teachers to use as guides to developing skills necessary to demonstrate mastery.
White Pine High School offers Culinary, Agriculture and Welding, Auto Technology, Computer Science, Web Design and Development, and Health Science.
Lund High School offers Agriculture, Horticulture, and Ag Mechanics.